Why many Relationships fail.

For that relationship to work, communication alone won't work or perhaps it will but wouldn't be that effective. You've got to overcommunicate.

The kind of relationship you're into doesn't matter - the one you have with your lover, your colleagues, your customers, co-workers, superiors etc - the most important thing is _how you relate with them._ Effective communication (achievable when you seek to overcommunicate), is what makes such relationships stronger with time. Peter Shepherd once said _"Communication is the fuel that keeps the fire of your relationship burning, without it, your relationship goes cold."_ So, to keep the fire burning you've got to talk to the other person albeit, from the *heart*.

As *Robin Sharma* rightly said, _"it is essentially not enough to communicate impeccably especially in tough times, but also to actually *overcommunicate*."_ You need to overcommunicate with your lover, your colleagues, your customers, co-workers, superiors etc. you should always speak to the other persons with candor, speak the truth at all times and right from your heart (as it is) even when your voice shakes and your palm sweat.

Most importantly, one must understand that you need to listen to them _intensely_ and with _curiosity_, in short you need to be a _good listener_ as it helps prevent rumours from starting and gossips from spreading thus keeping that relationship _flawless._

Of course, technology is good but you shouldn't hide behind technology when *_personal touch_* is required. Never you start that conversation on social media platform when you can meet someone in person. Learn to leave whatever you're doing, reach out to such person and make moves to _reconnect_.
Remember, _"a good relationship starts with good communication"_ and while some talk to you in their _free time_, others _free their time_ to talk to you. I'd rather be the later.

_Excerpts from Robin Sharma's *The Leader Who Had No Title*_

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