Then worship as an act; Now looking at "acts" of the apostles one who acts could be seen as one who take as in his actions don't depict what he says or professes....Now acts of the apostles they were led by the holy spirit..... Whether art or act it should be led by the holy spirit
Now let see how do we worship
First thing we must do is to be saved , we should believe in the death and resurrection of Christ
Secondly you worship by Gods word and obedient to His word.
When we worship we give our hearts,we let our worship ever flow out of us....there are times God would want to speak to me what he does is he creates an hunger of worship in me....there will be this willingness to worship from there he pours out himself to us in our worship to him
When we worship we are having fellowship with him but you need to get this right according to John 4:23-24 we must worship him in truth and in spirit by so doing we are having an inner court experience with him
God created us to worship him as an end in himself, and he designed us to love people and this planet in a way that would magnify his goodness and greatness.
This means such a disposition would create the deepest happiness in our soul but sin entered our hearts and those love became reversed. We love the world and our selves as an end,and we view God as a means to that end
Looking at the scripture John 4:22-23 that the father seek only those who will worship him in spirit and truth
Those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. These are not two different or distinct ways of worshipping God, but two essential parts of the same worship.
Our worship must be heart-felt and alive in the power of Holy Spirit. In order for us to worship in spirit, we need the Spirit of God to seek us out and make us alive. God must first come and draw us to Himself, awaken us, quicken us, and enable us to come. As the Holy Spirit indwells in us, we see Christ as precious—we see our great need to be in Him, clothed in His righteousness alone—and we are able to worship God in spirit.....
Those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. These are not two different or distinct ways of worshipping God, but two essential parts of the same worship.
Conclusion: we need the enablement from the holy ghost,we must worship in accordance to his word..... His word that says ......my word is Truth
God bless!
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