voice of the youth

Who are we to blame for the failure of this country?
The present or the future?
Why blame the future, when the present is at it helm?

We have wandered down narrow roads
Broken bridges, numerous perturbations
Complaints and views coupled our minds
When do we start to shuffle on a smooth glebe?

Complaints are lay against the future
for not taking care of tomorrow.
While the present are busy
Blurring the uncertain event of tomorrow

We are called lazy elements
Waiting for the riches of oil to touch  us
Which they lined their coats with.

They lie against the modern world
For being virtual with it sophisticated toys
They put blame on peer pressure and our backgrounds

Protect your thighs fellow youths
For the promise land beckon on holies
Don't let the present staff strike
The ocean of our tomorrow
For we will not divide for them to pass through

Don't allow them. Impregnate us
For we need a father to our copulation
Not an unwanted pregnancy

Let protect our future
We remain holy till we get to the promise land
And give birth to our Jesus

Ismail Junaid Oluwadamilare

*paciolo pen saint*
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