Voice of the youths
When the Lord decided to fall on us exorbitant rain of peace that could make an ocean to encircle us which we could drink from to have an eternal bliss, a blot came from the blue which was caused by those who found themselves in the position of authority using their power and privilege to thwart the law and derelict the citizens by lining their coats and pockets at the expense of the mass who are taxpayers.
In the hilarious circle of their act, they are yet satisfied with that, they ride on to an awful road of taking advantage of the nation's hope. Our cries are not heard by their loud coarse laughter, who will then hear our cry?
Fellow youths, let be conjunctive, in jointed arms in revenge against the debilitating acts of those who call themselves our LEADERS...
You and your siblings are fathers
With many wives and children
You have all it takes to care for all
Yet you decide to remain Jurassic philanders
Sleeping with our women
Including your daughters, unknowingly
For they are many to be known
You sit on our requests,
Sweeping it under the carpet
Preferment is done by the latter and affection
You own all nine yards at your fingertips
Your axes you love to grind
Now you contact deadly diseases
Which has diffused to your wives,
Offsprings and the nation's hope
The light of hope is fading
If you are freed from the gaol of these diseases,
And still want to be the father
You have to come with condoms
We never want unwanted pregnancy
When you strike our Ocean with your staffs
We strike back washing away the strokes
With the powerful wavelength of the our seas
When next you come again
To satisfy your Raven staffs
We have got spermicide
To kill your production organs
This time we remain holy mary
With faithful children
Then all you hoard can satisfy us
Ismail Junaid Oluwadamilare
Paciolo pen saint