Monday motivation
A few months back, I watched Ben Carson's story "giftted hands" and it dawned on me that no human on earth was meant to be useless, brainless or stupid. The problem is some people are OK with being at the bottom or average, just like Ben Carson.
The good thing that happened to Ben was that his mother believed in his abilities (even though he was so dull). She never failed to remind him and his brother how great a future she saw in them. She consciously pushed them to stretch their limits because something inside of her knew they could do better.
Now, there was a time in my life when I was OK with average. All I ever wanted then was to finish high school, go to college, graduate and get a job, get married and have kids, that's was all. But now I know better, now I know life has a whole lot more to offer than just average or normal.
"We were all born phenomenal", that is the first thing I learnt from Carson's story. Now, imagine if his mother gave up on him just like he gave up on himself, then he wouldn't have been that great neurosurgeon the world speaks of till date.
Why are you comfortable with being at the bottom or average side of life just because you failed yesterday. Do not allow the stench of yesterday's failure and the alluring stigma of playing it safe rob you of greatness.
Mrs Carson would always tell her son this "you've got all the world in your head, you just have to see beyond what you see". You have within you, right now, everything you need to achieve greatness. So I urge you to give greatness a chance, allow it erupt heavily from inside of you like a volcano.
We are all born and blessed with astonishing gifts, talents, abilities and skills.
If you die today, what will die with you? What dreams, ideas, skills, abilities, talents or greatness will die with you simply because you failed to bring them to life.
PS: if you have nobody to push you like Mrs Carson did her son, then it's yours responsibility to push yourself because it's your destiny and you're in CHARGE.
***Greatness is in you, so you better say it, believe it, act it and live it***
#EstherDan iels
The good thing that happened to Ben was that his mother believed in his abilities (even though he was so dull). She never failed to remind him and his brother how great a future she saw in them. She consciously pushed them to stretch their limits because something inside of her knew they could do better.
Now, there was a time in my life when I was OK with average. All I ever wanted then was to finish high school, go to college, graduate and get a job, get married and have kids, that's was all. But now I know better, now I know life has a whole lot more to offer than just average or normal.
"We were all born phenomenal", that is the first thing I learnt from Carson's story. Now, imagine if his mother gave up on him just like he gave up on himself, then he wouldn't have been that great neurosurgeon the world speaks of till date.
Why are you comfortable with being at the bottom or average side of life just because you failed yesterday. Do not allow the stench of yesterday's failure and the alluring stigma of playing it safe rob you of greatness.
Mrs Carson would always tell her son this "you've got all the world in your head, you just have to see beyond what you see". You have within you, right now, everything you need to achieve greatness. So I urge you to give greatness a chance, allow it erupt heavily from inside of you like a volcano.
We are all born and blessed with astonishing gifts, talents, abilities and skills.
If you die today, what will die with you? What dreams, ideas, skills, abilities, talents or greatness will die with you simply because you failed to bring them to life.
PS: if you have nobody to push you like Mrs Carson did her son, then it's yours responsibility to push yourself because it's your destiny and you're in CHARGE.
***Greatness is in you, so you better say it, believe it, act it and live it***
#EstherDan iels